Sunday, August 20, 2017

Backpacking Meals - Bear Creek Gumbo Add On Recipe

Recipe Type: Add On
Servings: 1
Calories: 615
Prep Time: Boil + 15 Min
Water: 2 c Boiling
Complexity: Easy
Rating: 5/5
All In Cost: $4.81

At Home:
Cook in Bag: Combine the following ingredients into a 25 oz OpenTip hot food preparation bag.
Cook in Pot: Combine the following ingredients into a ZipLock bag.

Amnt Ingredients
1/4 Pkg Bear Creek Gumbo Link
1/4 c Freeze Dried Chicken Link
1/4 c Freeze Dried Pork sausage Link
1/4 c Instant Rice
4 Pcs Freeze Dried Okra Link
1/2 Pc Bay Leaf

Also add the following items to the bag.
1 Pkg1.2 g  Savory Choice Chicken Broth Stick  Link
1 Pkg7 g Texas Pete Packet  Link
1 Pkg6.5 g Thick and Easy Packet (Honey Consistency)  Link
1 Pkg9 g CF Sauer Canola & Olive Oil Packet  Link
1 Pkg3-5 g Food Safe Desiccant packet Link

Print the following bag insert and include it in the bag for preparation instructions and other handy data. (Highlight everything within the dashed line, starting with the space above it and ending with the space directly below it. Then right click the highlighted area and select "Print".)

Bear Creek Gumbo

Recipe Type: Add On
Servings: 1
Calories: 615
Prep Time: Boil + 15 Min
Water: 2 c Boiling
Complexity: Easy
Rating: 5/5
All In Cost: $4.81

Cook In Food Bag Directions: Remove desiccant, broth stick, Texas Pete, Thick & Easy and oil packet from the food bag. Open broth stick, oil and Texas Pete packages and add contents to food bag. Add 2 cups of boiling water to food bag. Mix well. Seal food bag and place in bag cozy for 10 minutes. Remove food bag from cozy and add Thick & Easy to food bag. Mix well. Place food bag in bag cozy for 5 minutes. Stir well. Serve. (Remove the Bay Leaf)

Cook In Pot Directions: Remove desiccant, broth stick, Texas Pete, Thick & Easy and oil packet from the food bag. Add 2 cups of water to cooking pot along with food bag contents. Open broth stick, oil and Texas Pete packages and add contents to pot. Mix well. Bring to a boil and simmer for 2-3 minutes. Let stand covered in a pot cozy for 10 minutes. Add Thick & Easy to pot. Mix well. Let stand 5 minutes. Stir and serve. (Remove the Bay Leaf)


1 comment:

  1. This add on recipe translates very well to a camping meal. On any long hiking/camping trip, this meal will always be included in my meal selection. On a long dreary and tiring day, this meal can boost your morale.
